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Life after Fallout
  The Future! Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it. Everyone looks forward to “it”, everyone plans for “it”, saves up for their retirement, and goes about their lives as if they’ll be here forever. Have you ever thought about a possibility that the “Future” may never come. Have you ever taken the time to ponder what it would be like to have to rediscover the power of the human spirit. Not many people have, but that is what “Family Apocalypto” is about. It’s a journey to our future. A journey to a place no one wants to admit might and could actually happen.

 The media, the government, even our own families look down on those that prophecy about WWIII, or a second Revolution, even invasion, the reason is because no one wants to look on the darker side of humanity, they only want to view the good, feel the happiness that can only come from being grandparents or retirement, time with family. No one ever wants to view the truth, or the possibility that tomorrow may never come.

 Through the use of my own children, props, and scenery along with my use of a light yellow color hue to signify sickness, disease, and nuclear fallout, and through the use of careful and precisely planned aesthetics I was able to convey a visual, lyrical story that will make you question your own view of the future. Even open your eyes to the possibility that our government and other world governments are to blame forwhat we are doing to our planet, whether it be war, the destruction of the rainforest, or pollution these factors play a major role in Today’s society and whether we will be around in the future.

 My intention going into this Project was to create something that would deliver a shock factor much like a taser, to open peoples’ eyes to the fact that no one is innocent, and that a future such as mine may very well be inevitable if we don’t change our ways. I want the public to know that the direction we are heading, there will be no use for money, or monetary items, our whole civilization and others around the world are in jeopardy because of the way things are going. Our America, the country who is yet to even make it to 300 years old is the youngest country in the world and yet out of the 200 years we’ve been a country we’ve been at war with everyone for 150 years. We’ve only seen 50 years of peace.

 My point is that Families will suffer, Children will suffer, if we don’t change our views, if we don’t changethe way our government is running things, if we don’t strive to make a difference for the betterment of mankind. It is my hope, my dream, and my desire to keep delivering, simplistic yet meaningful messages through my art and my pictorials to the masses so that things can change, so that people will have their eyes and their minds open to what is going on now, what is happening now, so that there will be a tomorrow for all of us.

I will be there on the day of arrival with open arms to welcome the new world, to welcome the future, and if the day comes when we cease to exist, then all I will have to say to you when next we meet, is I Told You So.
Below I have comments that have been made about my series, thus far....
 Hi Walt,What I know about you with no doubt is that you are incredibly, incredibly passionate about this subject. This comes through in your writing and in your imagery. This work is powerful, provocative and very political. Your statement is so much better, as you took some of the personal out of it and brought in more of the societal issues as a whole."My intention going into this Project was to create something that would deliver a shock factor much like a taser, to open peoples’ eyes to the fact that no one is innocent, and that a future such as mine may very well be inevitable if we don’t change our ways."When you say a future such as mine, what are you meaning exactly?
 What's so amazing about these images is that there is such a strong performative element taking place. The way the kids are positioned makes us see them in these somewhat normal situations, but then there is something unusual at the same time, whether it be simply the mask and the ambiance, or actually a questionable act taking place like what we see in #2.13_1_1, 7_1_2, 7_1_3 are three of the strongest images here, although honestly I would not eliminate one image in this grouping at this point. 13_1_1 for theposes, pop culture element and contrast between girls going to the pool and them wearing a gas mask. 7_1_2 for the obscure narrative, and 7_1_3 for the common scene gone awry.
 Quite honestly, every image you've picked here is incredibly powerful and also interesting to look at visually.You have done great work! You have truly engaged with your process, and come out with an outstanding body of work that is engaging, visually dynamic, andchallenging to the viewer.Congratulations on an intense focus and excellent body of work created in such a short period of time!~ Adrienne
Family Apocalypto portrays a very strong and very directmessage that we are living in a time of uncertainty. Walter incorporates asubtle color tone in all of his images while at the same time discharging ashock factor like a hand grenade.

We have all seen families living in squalor, single mothersof the Uganda tribes, even teenage girls in India being married off and orbearing children, but none so cleaver as a Child taking care of his sistersduring a time of war, famine, fear, and fall out. Even though the setting isfuturistic Walter's view of the world and the way his photographs have beenmeticulously planned is that of a documentary style bordering on the Formal,Something that I could see in Time Magazine.

Family Apocalypto although disheartening to some people isvery aesthetically pleasing, the beauty and wonderment of the children as theygo about their daily lives is almost harmonious as you view one photographafter another. His philosophy that this is the ultimate end to the world as weknow it is simply that just a philosophical study from years of propaganda,news articles, and his own twisted sense of humor.

Over all Family Apocalypto has opened my eyes to thepossibility that this could be our fate if something isn't done soon. Walter'sidea of bringing this possible future to light has a very strong possibility ofopening the eyes of the world governments and their citizens. With any luckthey will start to see the error of their ways and bring a change for the goodof the world. ~Anonymous 


The Entire series is for sale to the right publications, for the right price...
